Toshiba Realtek Wireless LAN Adapter 8191SE/8192SE

If you have a Toshiba then check the wireless driver in your computer before you install a new driver. This driver is a Realtek Wireless driver 8191SE. Note that this is a Windows driver. We have listed the latest driver for this adapter. Note this also works on the Realtek Wireless LAN Adapter 8188CE/8192CE adapter.

This wireless driver works on the following adapters:

  • Realtek Wireless LAN Adapter 819XP
  • Realtek Wireless LAN Adapter 8187B
  • Realtek Wireless LAN Adapter 8187SE
  • Realtek Wireless LAN Adapter 8191SE/8192SE
  • Realtek Wireless LAN Adapter 8188CE/8192CE
  • Realtek Wireless LAN Adapter 819XP

Download Driver

Microsoft Windows 7 (32/64)

Microsoft 2000 / Vista (32/64)

Microsoft Windows XP




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