3Com 3CRXJK10075 Wireless XJACK PC Driver

3Com 3CRXJK10075 Wireless XJACK PC DriverThis is the driver for the 3Com 3CRXJK10075 Wireless XJACK PC which was very popular before 3Com was bought by HP. The driver and Hardware ID’s are listed below so check your hardware before you download and install the driver for this popular wireless adapter from 3Com. If you are looking for a Windows 7 driver then see the sidebar of this website from Windows 7 Issues which shows you how to make most software run on a Windows 7 computer.

3Com 3CRXJK10075 Wireless XJACK PC Driver

The Hardware ID for this wireless adapter is:

Device Name: 3Com OfficeConnect Wireless 108Mbps 11g XJACK PC Card

Hardware ID: PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_0013&SUBSYS_6801A727


Acer Hardware ID

The hardware ID for some of the searches on this website is incorrect. If you are looking for the hardware ID with the following lettering then this is the incorrect page.


This is the hardware ID of the Broadcom_6.30.223.228_W7x64_A driver which came with the Aspire E5571. Note that there are also other drivers on here. These include but are not limited to the Acer Aspire e15 drivers as well as the Realtek rtl8187b driver Windows 7 32 bit as well.



3Com OfficeConnect Wireless XJACK PC Card [3CRXJK10075] Windows Driver, Utility:

Download  (3.29 MB, for Windows 98SE/ME/2000/XP)



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