3Com NIC3CSOHO100B-TX driver

This is the 3Com driver for the Office Connect NIC3CSOHO100B-TX network adapter. We have listed the internal ID files on this page so check your network card first before installing the driver. The 3Com drivers are becoming very difficult to find after it merged with HP. Ensure that you have the correct hardware before you download this driver.

3Com NIC3CSOHO100B-TX driver

This is the 3Com OfficeConnect 10/100 Network Interface Card (3CSOHO100B-TX).

1. With the computer powered off, insert the NIC into an available PCI slot.
2. Turn the computer power ON.
3. The Found New Hardware Wizard appears, select “Install” from a list or specific (Advanced)”. Click Next.
4. Select “Don’t Search. I will Choose the Driver to Install”. Click Next.
5. Under Common Hardware Types, select “Network Adapters”. Click Next.
6. Click on the “Have Disk” button. Type in the path for the location of the drivers and click OK. (Enter D:\ where “D” is your CD-ROM drive).
7. Your Network Adapter will come up ready selected in the dialog window. Click Next.
8. Once the installation is complete, click Finish in the final dialog window.

The driver (EL910N5.SYS) conforms to the Network Driver Interface Specification NDIS5, and is used with Microsoft Windows Millennium, Windows 2000 and Windows XP. If you have one of these then simply down load the file below anbd extract the EXE file. Click on this and the driver will install.

IF however you wish top run this card in a Windows 10 computer then download the second file being labeled 3Com driver 2. This is the INF file which you can download the ZIP file and then extract the content. The file in there you are looking for is the file named “EL910.INF”. You will need to right-click on the INF file and Windows will then install the driver for you. Windows will then say that it has found new hardware.

See also the 3Com 3CSOHO Adapter Driver as well as the 3Com 3CRSHPW796 Wireless PC driver as well as the last driver on here being the 3Com 3CRUSB20075 Wireless USB driver. The 3Com 3CRPCIN175 Wireless 11n PCI driver however was the first driver on here.

See also the Broadcom 802.11n network adapter driver Windows 7 on here as well as the Acer Aspire e15 drivers.


3Com NIC3CSOHO100B-TX driver

3Com NIC3CSOHO100B driver

3Com Driver 2