Acer 1410 Aspire WiMax Driver (EP5150)

Download the Acer 1410 drivers. The driver Acer Aspire 1410 Windows 7 has been added below. The Acer 1410 Aspire WiMax Driver (EP5150). This is a very large file and is the driver the the Wimax adapter for your Acer Aspire 1410 laptop computer. This is the EP5150 Wimax driver. Check your hardware to ensure that you have the correct driver in your system before you install the driver.

Acer 1410 Aspire WiMax Driver (EP5150)

This driver covers the entire range of Acer 1410 Aspire WiMax which is the Intel(R) WiMAX Link 5150 Function Driver, as well as the Intel(R) WiMAX Link 5350 Function Driver and the Intel(R) WiMAX Link 5050 Series Function Driver and finally the Intel(R) WiMAX Link 5050 Series Installation Disk.

The Intel wifi link 5100 agn driver Windows 7 as well as the the Acer Aspire 1425p as well. The Acer 1410 drivers is also listed on here as well as the driver Acer Aspire 1410 Windows 7 and the Acer Aspire es 15 drivers and the Broadcom bcm43xx driver Windows 10.

Download the ZIP file and extractthe content. Once done you will need to click on the eXE file for the driver to install. You can also attempt to install the Windows 7 driver on a Winodws 10 machine. Note that this is WiFi as well as WiMax drivers for both 32bit as well as 64 bit operating systems.

There are many driver on this website including the Huawei 3G Module Driver Acer Aspire and Acer Aspire e15 drivers which is very popular in India and Sri Lanka.

Acer 1410 Aspire WiMax Driver (EP5150)

Windows 7 – WiFi (32bit / 64bit)

WiFi 32 Bit

WiFi 64 Bit

Windows 7 – Wimax (32bit / 64bit)

Wimax 32bit

Wimax 64bit



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