3COM 3CREB96 Wireless Bluetooth Driver

3COM 3CREB96 Wireless Bluetooth DriverThis is a USB driver for the 3COM 3CREB96 Wireless Bluetooth Driver. Note that this driver mainly works on the older operating systems such as Windows XP and Windows Me. If you want to run the driver on anything else then check the sidebar for more details about running your software on a more modern and updated system .The hardware ID for this wireless adapter is listed below so check your adapter before you install the software for your computer.

3COM 3CREB96 Wireless Bluetooth Driver

The hardware Id for this hardware being the 3Com wireless Bluetooth adapter is :

Device Name: 3Com Bluetooth USB Device
Device ID: USB\VID_0506&PID_00A0, USB\VID_0506&PID_00A1, USB\VID_0506&PID_00A2

Note: You can now find the bcm94312hmg driver Windows 10 on this website elsewhere. Download the EXE file on here and then proceed to right-click on the EXE file. Then click on troubleshoot compatibility. This is the emulation mode for Windows 10. Click on the compatibility option Windows 10 will now install the driver in compatibility mode. on Windows 10. See also the 3Com AirConnect 11M Wireless PCI Driver on here as well as the 3COM 3CREB96B Wireless Bluetooth driver on here. There is also the 3Com 3CRWB6096B Bluetooth driver and the Broadcom bcm43xx driver Windows 10.


bt3cusb_en29 Jan 20021.17.30 MB
Bluetooth Connection (ENGLISH) and drivers for 3Com Wireless Bluetooth USB Adapter for Windows 98SE, ME, 2000, and XP. Windows 98 users must upgrade to Windows 98SE to use these drivers.



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